Today we rode from Rock creek to Willams fork reservoir. 53 miles & about

4300 ft of elevation climbing. Pics of the day..


Day 30

Today started with all of us going to eat breakfast at City Cafe in Old Town Steamboat Springs.. I highly recommend it.  After breakfast we met up with Jamie at the hotel and she put together a care package for us all..  So nice thanks again! Today we rode from Steamboat Springs to Rock Creek.. 45 miles and about 3500 ft of elevation climbing. Once we got to Rock creek the road was washed out and the temp was 62 degrees! For me that is cold.. Well we decided to camp on the other side so off came the bike shoes and socks. We waded through the creek with our bikes.. Burrrrrr! That was cold! Once on the other side we set up camp. Here is the pics of the day.


Day off in Steamboat Springs. We enjoyed the hot springs. Special thanks to Jamie Hart for giving us tickets to the hot springs.. Was soooo nice to soak in the springs. We all had lunch at the Cantina and had a great lunch. We did a little shopping and just walked around a bit. What a nice mountain town. We also had ice cream at Lyon Drug.. Where I had the best Vanilla Milkshake ever! We got all our bikes worked on at Orange Peel bike shop. They did a great job getting all our bikes in top shape for the rest of our trip.

Jamie Hart invited us to her house for dinner. We all had a great time catching up and talking about high school days. Jamie and I graduated high school together. Thanks again Jamie for all your hospitality.


Little Sandstone Creek to Steamboat Springs.. 84 miles and 5300 ft of elevation climbing. The ride over the second pass was a push and ride. It was about a mile and half up a really steep rocky mountain side.. We arrived into Clark about 9 pm then found the store there closed at 6pm so we had no choice but to ride in the dark to Steamboat springs. Steamboat was another 16 miles. I had my headlamp on the front so I was the leader and Dan brought up the rear with his flashing rear light and the rest road in between us. We arrived into Steamboat at 10 pm and found the first motel and the only pizza place open to get a bite to eat. It was a long day!


Day 27

Rawlins to Little Sandstone Creek. 

55 miles with 4400 ft of elevation climbing and a head wind all day! Today was very tough on me. 


Day 26

Sweet water creek to A&M reservoir 70 miles and 3300 ft of climbing.. Today sucked! Lots and lots of nothing! Not a fan of this part of Wyoming at all. Now I know why so many divide riders quit during this part it's very boring and lonely section if the ride! Not to mention there is only 2 or 3 spots to get water.. Makes you really appreciate water when you have it.. Today I almost ran out! I arrived at the reservoir with about 1/2 a liter of water left.. Don't like that feeling at all. For others that plan to ride this section I would recommend at least packing 7 liters of water. Today got into the 90's so I drank a lot of water. Again today sucked! But tomorrow were heading for Rawlins.. Then onto Colorado. Here are today's pics...


Day 25

Little Sandy Creek to Sweet Water creek. We passed though South Pass City an old mining town. Then entered into Atlantic City another small town but had a restaurant that was awesome. We also had them make us sandwiches to go so we had dinner. Camping in the Great Basin in the middle of no where! We are next to one of two water sources in the basin. We set up camp at Sweet water creek. Today was only 48 miles but tomorrow will be around 55 miles to A & M reservoir. We are trying to break the basin into 3 easy days with water.. We should be in Rawlins on August 2nd.. Here are the pics today.


Day 24

Pinedale to Little Sandy Creek... 51 miles today. We decided to take a short ride because we rode 75 miles coming into Pinedale. What a nice ride today. So dry and open but beautiful! We are defiantly heading into the dry great basin of Wyoming.. Looks like we will need to pack lots of water. Today before leaving Pinedale we got Subway to have for lunch on the trail.. That was perfect lunch! We also stopped at a mountain equipment place so I could buy another dry bag for my food. I use this bag to hang off my rear rack to carry extra food. My other one broke the other day so I have been strapping it down with my parachute cord. Also we have found the plastic grocery bags work great to hang extra stuff off your bike. Just make sure to use at least three or four bags otherwise they rip. At camp tonight I ate my most favorite mountain house meal yet. Sweet sour pork with rice it's a winner! If your lucky when you go to some of these stores they have the freezed dried mountain house foods. I also like the beef stew! Other food I eat along the ride are instant potatoes, smoked salmon, Tuna, beanie weeiners, tuna & crackers, lots of sweet and salty cashew bars, pop tarts ( blueberry), instant oatmeal ( strawberry & cream), skittles for the climbing and lots of them, trail mix, snickers, and of course when we can eat at a restaurant that's my favorite.. Our campsite tonight is awesome! We are camped right next to Little Sandy Creek and its beautiful! Here is the pics of the day.


Warm spring river to Pinedale.. We did it 75 miles today! It was tough ride.. Lots if wind, rain and cold.. My toes got sooooo cold I thought they would fall off.. It was a wet ride coming into Pinedale. We arrived into town at 7:15pm tired, wet and cold. We are staying at a Hotel tonight.. Warm shower and a soft bed. Here are the pics of the day..


Day 22

We left the hatchet lodge (Moran, WY) and headed out towards Pinedale. We first had to climb Togwotee Pass which was about 18 miles of uphill.. We made it to the top at 9,680 ft.. We went back down the other side.  Near the bottom we found lava mountain lodge and that's where we had lunch.  I had the pulled pork sandwich and it was delicious. After lunch we headed the rest of the way down to our next turn at Union Pass Rd.  Oh no another climb.. Just 2,000ft this time.. Well we climbed and climbed to the top where it levels out.. The winds were cold and so was I. The weather started to turn and we started to feel rain.. We had already rode 45 miles so we saw a bridge and a creek.. So we said let's camp here.  It's perfect water and shelter under the bridge. We are protected if it rains! The place where camping is Warm Springs River.. Believe me it's not warm at all!!!! We are at about 9,000ft and its going to be a cold night of camping.. So tomorrow we will try to do a longer day and ride 75 miles into Pinedale. Here are today's pics.. Enjoy!