Little Sandstone Creek to Steamboat Springs.. 84 miles and 5300 ft of elevation climbing. The ride over the second pass was a push and ride. It was about a mile and half up a really steep rocky mountain side.. We arrived into Clark about 9 pm then found the store there closed at 6pm so we had no choice but to ride in the dark to Steamboat springs. Steamboat was another 16 miles. I had my headlamp on the front so I was the leader and Dan brought up the rear with his flashing rear light and the rest road in between us. We arrived into Steamboat at 10 pm and found the first motel and the only pizza place open to get a bite to eat. It was a long day!

Jane and Donna
8/6/2013 08:20:50 am

WOW! what a day of riding. I bet you were glad to get to Steamboat!
Our 13 year old Marin baseball boys are playing a world series tourney in SS right now. Blaze's older buddies. Best of luck and be safe in the saddle! Hats off to you!
J & D

Timothy West
8/19/2013 03:39:32 pm

Hey thanks for the comment., almost there only 400 miles to go!


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