Day 24

Pinedale to Little Sandy Creek... 51 miles today. We decided to take a short ride because we rode 75 miles coming into Pinedale. What a nice ride today. So dry and open but beautiful! We are defiantly heading into the dry great basin of Wyoming.. Looks like we will need to pack lots of water. Today before leaving Pinedale we got Subway to have for lunch on the trail.. That was perfect lunch! We also stopped at a mountain equipment place so I could buy another dry bag for my food. I use this bag to hang off my rear rack to carry extra food. My other one broke the other day so I have been strapping it down with my parachute cord. Also we have found the plastic grocery bags work great to hang extra stuff off your bike. Just make sure to use at least three or four bags otherwise they rip. At camp tonight I ate my most favorite mountain house meal yet. Sweet sour pork with rice it's a winner! If your lucky when you go to some of these stores they have the freezed dried mountain house foods. I also like the beef stew! Other food I eat along the ride are instant potatoes, smoked salmon, Tuna, beanie weeiners, tuna & crackers, lots of sweet and salty cashew bars, pop tarts ( blueberry), instant oatmeal ( strawberry & cream), skittles for the climbing and lots of them, trail mix, snickers, and of course when we can eat at a restaurant that's my favorite.. Our campsite tonight is awesome! We are camped right next to Little Sandy Creek and its beautiful! Here is the pics of the day.

7/31/2013 09:51:22 am

Stiil here and still following your blog, just haven't really much to say.
Sure seems like you guys are putting in a lot of miles!
Was wondering if it made you a little nervous when the buffalo were crossing the road? They aren't quite like cows.

Elizabeth West
7/31/2013 12:14:24 pm

I heard skittles help with extreme altitudes and to warm really, cold toes. I guess it is true. Keep on Truckin'. Awesome.

7/31/2013 02:26:13 pm

Fantastic Tim! Absolutely stunning ride! What an awesome experience! Love the pics!

8/2/2013 08:18:29 am

Ellie & I are really proud of you!!
I looked on a map....It's all down hill from there. Got your postcard on Sat.. Beautiful place. I hope the weather keep treating you well, see you at the end. CALL IF YOU NEED ANYTHING!!!
Much love, Dad & Ellie


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