Day 26

Sweet water creek to A&M reservoir 70 miles and 3300 ft of climbing.. Today sucked! Lots and lots of nothing! Not a fan of this part of Wyoming at all. Now I know why so many divide riders quit during this part it's very boring and lonely section if the ride! Not to mention there is only 2 or 3 spots to get water.. Makes you really appreciate water when you have it.. Today I almost ran out! I arrived at the reservoir with about 1/2 a liter of water left.. Don't like that feeling at all. For others that plan to ride this section I would recommend at least packing 7 liters of water. Today got into the 90's so I drank a lot of water. Again today sucked! But tomorrow were heading for Rawlins.. Then onto Colorado. Here are today's pics...

John Arledge
8/5/2013 03:55:52 am

Way to go Tim! Thanks for sharing these pics and great blog. You guys are doing an awesome job and seeing some amazing things. Keep it up.

Timothy West
8/19/2013 03:41:17 pm

Hey John good to see your following along. It's been a journey that's for sure! Having a blast. Just 400 miles to go!


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