Day 41 

Abiquiu to the top of a mountain between Abiquiu and Cuba. We rode 34 miles today and 29 of those miles were all uphill. We climbed over 5300 ft today. This was by far the toughest road and climb of the whole divide! Today was hot in the low 90's but hardly any wind. Near the top around 9,000 ft we started to get a small breeze. Lots of breaks and lots of skittles got me up the hill. Today also is tough because we have no water between Abiquiu and Cuba. So we each had to carry 8 liters of water. We are camping tonight at about 10,200 ft. Here are the pics from the day...


Day 40 

76 miles and 4600ft of climbing.. Rio San Antiono creek to Abiquiu, NM

Day 40 

76 miles and 4600ft of climbing.. Rio San Antiono creek to Abiquiu, NM


Day 39

Platoro to the good campsite at about 70 miles from Platoro. We crossed into New Mexico today after climbing over La Manga pass (10,230). Once we crossed over into New Mexico we had really rough roads! Going up Brazos Ridge was a hike and bike it was steep and rocky.. Once at the top it was beautiful! We are camping next to the Rio San Antonio river. It's actually the only place we could find water tonight. We climbed over 5000ft today and rode 70 miles here are today's pics...


Day 38

Del Norte to Platoro

5800 ft of climbing today and 49 miles! Today was a big climbing day with one huge pass and a few other smaller climbs on the way into Platoro, Co. We had great scenery and beautiful mountains.. This was my favorite ride of Colorado. Just look at the pictures absolutely beautiful! 


Day 37

Storm King Campground to Del Norte... 38 miles and about 1000 ft of climbing. We got into Del Norte fairly early which gave us time to do laundry, shop for food for the next 3 days and grab a bite to eat at the Three Barrel pizza and pub. 

Here's the pics of the day..


Day 36

Razor Creek to Storm King campground... 60 miles and 4500 elevation climbing today. We had two big mountains to climb today and it was a long day of climbing again. We first went up and over Cochetopa Pass (10,067) divide crossing # 18 then after the down hill off Cochetopa Pass we had a long section of pavement then back onto the forest road and towards Carnero Pass (10,166). A long and muddy climb to the top.. This was a killer! Heavy mud on the bike and it felt like cement on the tires all the way up.. After reaching the top we had a nice down hill to camp.. Here are the pics of the day...


Day 35

Salida to Razor creek... 62 miles and 4300 ft of climbing! It took us 4 hours to just climb Marshall Pass which was 23 miles from Salida uphill all the way to the top. We also crossed our 16th continental divide. The top of Marshall Pass is 10,482 ft


Como to Salida.. 75 miles and about 2000 ft of climbing. Today was nice all the way until about 5 miles from Salida then we got rained on again. We all checked in to the Super 8 and had pizza at moonlight. Here's the pics of the day.


Day 33

Silverthorne to Como 

42 miles and about 3800 ft of climbing. We passed through Frisco, Brekenridge,  over Boreas pass climbing to 11,482 ft.. There was snow on the ground and it was cold! We rode down the other side into Como where we were able to get a warm meal. I had a steak dinner it was yummy! No rooms left at the hotel so the owner let us sleep outside next to the hotel. The temps are suppose to get down to 32 degrees tonight.. Brrrrr! Here are the pics of the day..


Today we rode from Williams Fork Reservior to Siliverthorne.. 38 miles and about 3800 ft of elevation climbing. My brother drove up from Longmont to have dinner with us.. It was really nice to see him and his girlfriend Caylene again. Thanks again for all you did for us today! And thanks for the skittles!