Day 22

We left the hatchet lodge (Moran, WY) and headed out towards Pinedale. We first had to climb Togwotee Pass which was about 18 miles of uphill.. We made it to the top at 9,680 ft.. We went back down the other side.  Near the bottom we found lava mountain lodge and that's where we had lunch.  I had the pulled pork sandwich and it was delicious. After lunch we headed the rest of the way down to our next turn at Union Pass Rd.  Oh no another climb.. Just 2,000ft this time.. Well we climbed and climbed to the top where it levels out.. The winds were cold and so was I. The weather started to turn and we started to feel rain.. We had already rode 45 miles so we saw a bridge and a creek.. So we said let's camp here.  It's perfect water and shelter under the bridge. We are protected if it rains! The place where camping is Warm Springs River.. Believe me it's not warm at all!!!! We are at about 9,000ft and its going to be a cold night of camping.. So tomorrow we will try to do a longer day and ride 75 miles into Pinedale. Here are today's pics.. Enjoy!

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