My last day of my journey! Separ to Antalope Wells the Mexican boarder crossing. Today we rode 70 miles with less than a 1000 ft of climbing. Today was mostly flat and downhill. Although we had a lot of head wind today. As I got within the last 10 miles or so I was thinking to myself what an amazing journey this had been. I was actually slowing down as I thinking and didn't want it to end quite yet. As I got closer to the last mile I stopped and waited for Dan and Zack to catch up so we three could ride across the boarder together. We crossed the boarder at 3:40 pm and we were so happy to see our family already there waiting for us. As for me my Dad and Ellie came to pick me up. My dad and Ellie live near Tuscon,AZ. Special thanks to both of them for picking me up. As for Dan and Zack his wife Kris and his daughter Nicole drove down from Seatlle to pick them up.. Kris made finisher tshirts for us... So nice! Thank you! After all the pictures the boarder guys gave us ice cream for finishing. Our family also brought cold drinks and snacks for us. We both loaded up our bikes we said our goodbye's and off we went. I made some really good friends with Dan, Zack and Jay.. These will be long time friends forever! Already miss you guys! What a great ride this was.. I will never forget all the fun we had.

47 days of actual riding 2,740 miles

4 days off.. Our daily mileage avarage was 59 miles a day.


Silver City to Separ... 50 miles and about 1500 ft of climbing mostly flat and downhill into Separ, NM. The ride itself was not as I had expected but it was still just a desert. Lots of small bush trees with pokey green leaves?? Not sure the name but they where all over. We must of passed over more than 20 or more washes or drainage areas across the whole road.. The riding towards the end was deep sandy roads and hard to peddle through. Once we arrived into Separ we hung out at the only place we could the trading post store. It's was a long boring day with nothing to do but talk to the tourist who stopped in. You know they ask where you riding too or from? We tell them and the are even more full of questions.. It was nice to tell stories today while we waited for the store to close at 8pm.. We asked if we could camp around back and they said that would be fine. So here we are next to the only building in Separ next to I-10 and loud train tracks trying to get some sleep. We will ride our remaining 70 miles to Antelope Wells tomorrow.. This will be our final ride of the Great Divide Mountain Bike route.. When we cross the boarder we will have peddled our bikes 2,750 miles! 47 days of riding and 4 days off.. 51 days total.. Here are my few pics of today.


Day off in silver city.. Staying at the palace hotel.. Absolutely nothing to do in Silver City on a Sunday! Just relaxing and catching up on rest.


Lake Roberts to Silver City.... 27 miles and 2500 ft of climbing. We also crossed the 30th divide crossing at Pinos Altos which is about 6 miles outside of Silver City. From Lake Roberts it was about a 1000 ft climb towards the top then lots of rollers going uphill all the way to Pinos Altos. Once we arrived at the very top we had lunch in Pinos Altos. After lunch it was downhill into Silver City. Nice to have an easy ride day with low miles.


Day 47

Beaverhead work center to Lake Roberts... 57 miles and 5100 ft of elevation climbing..  We rode the hardest part of the Gila National Forest lots of ups and downs all day for 30 miles plus! Once we hit hwy 35 at mile 46 it was downhill all the way to Lake Roberts.. We got a hotel and pizza.. We head for Silver City tomorrow! 


Day 46

Pie Town to Beaverhead Work Center.... We rode 100 miles and climbed 3700 ft of elevation. Today riding through the Gila National Forest was beautiful until it ran out. Now we have been riding roads to nowhere! Although there is some nice spots along the way but for the most part lonely hot dry roads. I have to say one of my favorite parts of the ride was the last 10 to 15 miles today.. Just beautiful see from the pics! Less than 207miles to go! 


Grants, NM to Pie Town, NM... 70 miles and about 2400 ft of elevation climbing.. We and a great ride today absolutely beautiful... Love all the rock formations and lots of lava.. Some parts of the ride even looked like the back side of Maui were all the black lava is. Once the road turned to gravel it got really interesting with all the rain and mud. But we just rode right on into Pie Town...


Day off.... Taking a break today! We are staying in Grants, NM for the day. We will be riding to Pie Town, NM tomorrow. This has only been our third day off in the 44 days of this trip. Here are some other fun pics of our bike journey.


Cuba, NM to Grants, NM

Today we decided to ride the alternative route because of the flash floods in the desert between Cuba and Grants. So the three of us Dan, Zack and I rode the highway all the way to Grants. We rode 122 miles and climbed 3600ft of elevation. This is the longest ride we have done in a single day. Good thing we took the alternative route as the rain did come down in the early afternoon. The rain missed us on the highway but hit all of the area around Grants so we were happy that we rode the highway. Today's ride was 10 1/2 hours long and hot. Here are the pics of the day..


Day 42 

Camp to Cuba, NM

2500 ft of climbing and 46 miles today. Another tough day into Cuba... The heat is here!  Lots of rolling hills then a long flat down hill into Cuba.. Had great Mexican food at El Burno's lunch and dinner! Sorry not a lot of pics today. Less than 500 miles to go!