Warm spring river to Pinedale.. We did it 75 miles today! It was tough ride.. Lots if wind, rain and cold.. My toes got sooooo cold I thought they would fall off.. It was a wet ride coming into Pinedale. We arrived into town at 7:15pm tired, wet and cold. We are staying at a Hotel tonight.. Warm shower and a soft bed. Here are the pics of the day..

7/29/2013 07:15:00 pm

Wow, really impressive, that is a lot of elevation gain, great photos

Timothy West
7/29/2013 11:27:18 pm

Thanks again for taking care of things for me..

Donna MaierWOW
7/30/2013 03:11:13 am

WOW....I am impressed. Looks like Gods country. Keep those tootsies warm and keep on peddling...Donna....see you in Sept.

Mom 1 and 2
7/30/2013 06:57:10 am

Hi honey. You sure are cute!!! Love all the pictures. Keep those little piggys warm:) Love you. Your real mom says ride nude, it will put a glow on your cheeks!! LOL


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