Today we rode from Williams Fork Reservior to Siliverthorne.. 38 miles and about 3800 ft of elevation climbing. My brother drove up from Longmont to have dinner with us.. It was really nice to see him and his girlfriend Caylene again. Thanks again for all you did for us today! And thanks for the skittles!

8/9/2013 11:46:57 am

Just stunning! Wonderful. Like the hair too!

Diane Mcbain
8/9/2013 11:19:41 pm

Beautiful countryside and your pictures are great! What wildlife have you're seen?

Timothy West
8/19/2013 03:30:02 pm

Sorry not to get back to you sooner.. Just deer, rabbits, squirrels and chipmunks.. No bears or elk??? Maybe that's a good thing.. Having a blast! Less than 400 miles to go. I will be in Pie Town, NM on Wednesday and to the boarder on August 27th!


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