Como to Salida.. 75 miles and about 2000 ft of climbing. Today was nice all the way until about 5 miles from Salida then we got rained on again. We all checked in to the Super 8 and had pizza at moonlight. Here's the pics of the day.

Dad & Ellie
8/11/2013 08:06:19 am

You are in the part of the world I was raised in! Your Grandma Cleo was born in Como. 1917 ask around to see if anyone remembers her. (in your spare time!) Are you going to hit Fairplay? I should be riding with you.......NOT I would have been dead the first 2 days. See you in Antelope Wells. Much love, Dad.

Dad & Ellie
8/12/2013 11:25:23 am

Another boring day I guess....should have taken a left turn at Como went over Kenosha pass and floated down to Bailey. Part of me is still there. Are you holding up well? Wish I was there. In the Honda of course! Glad your doing well. Your proud Dad &Ellie.

8/12/2013 01:22:33 pm

Just catching up with your blog. It was great getting together with you and meeting the group you are riding with. They all seem like really great people to be riding with. Hope you are missing most of the Colorado weather, form what I can tell if you guys where in the wrong place you could of been pedaling thorough snow this past weekend.
Hope all is well! Tell everyone I said hi!

Timothy West
8/19/2013 03:35:06 pm

Hey Bro it was great to see you in Silverthorne. Thanks for taking the time to drive up and have dinner with the Team! Jay is done and now Dana is done so its just Dan, Zack and Myself going to the finish line. We should be in Pie Town on Wednesday and to the boarder on the 27th. Thanks again for the skittles!


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