My last day of my journey! Separ to Antalope Wells the Mexican boarder crossing. Today we rode 70 miles with less than a 1000 ft of climbing. Today was mostly flat and downhill. Although we had a lot of head wind today. As I got within the last 10 miles or so I was thinking to myself what an amazing journey this had been. I was actually slowing down as I thinking and didn't want it to end quite yet. As I got closer to the last mile I stopped and waited for Dan and Zack to catch up so we three could ride across the boarder together. We crossed the boarder at 3:40 pm and we were so happy to see our family already there waiting for us. As for me my Dad and Ellie came to pick me up. My dad and Ellie live near Tuscon,AZ. Special thanks to both of them for picking me up. As for Dan and Zack his wife Kris and his daughter Nicole drove down from Seatlle to pick them up.. Kris made finisher tshirts for us... So nice! Thank you! After all the pictures the boarder guys gave us ice cream for finishing. Our family also brought cold drinks and snacks for us. We both loaded up our bikes we said our goodbye's and off we went. I made some really good friends with Dan, Zack and Jay.. These will be long time friends forever! Already miss you guys! What a great ride this was.. I will never forget all the fun we had.

47 days of actual riding 2,740 miles

4 days off.. Our daily mileage avarage was 59 miles a day.

8/28/2013 05:48:31 am

Bravo! Kudos! Well done Tim. You and your buddies are awesome, and inspiring as ever. See ya back in Napili in September.

A hui hou!

Roy and Dorothy Christopher
8/28/2013 09:19:10 am

A big congrats. Wow! How we enjoyed checking your blog out.
We had no idea what an adventure you were about to have.
Welcome back.
R andD

8/28/2013 10:05:00 am

It was amazing to say goodbye in Banff and hello in Mexico! Great job putting up with "Groupon" for all that time and being a friend to my son. We are already making plans to visit you in Hawaii!

Elizabeth and CW West
8/28/2013 11:14:22 am

Congratulations on an accomplishment of a lifetime!! We are in awe of your determination, endurance, and the entire adventure. Aloha!

Walter and Debbie
8/29/2014 04:11:42 pm

Tim. You are an amazing individual! We loved reading about your journey, seeing the pictures and cheering for you. You da man!

Frank Cutler
9/8/2014 04:24:48 am

Tim what beautiful pictures and what an amazing lifetime adventure. Walter gave me your link. Thanks for letting us all come along. You are the man!!


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