Silver City to Separ... 50 miles and about 1500 ft of climbing mostly flat and downhill into Separ, NM. The ride itself was not as I had expected but it was still just a desert. Lots of small bush trees with pokey green leaves?? Not sure the name but they where all over. We must of passed over more than 20 or more washes or drainage areas across the whole road.. The riding towards the end was deep sandy roads and hard to peddle through. Once we arrived into Separ we hung out at the only place we could the trading post store. It's was a long boring day with nothing to do but talk to the tourist who stopped in. You know they ask where you riding too or from? We tell them and the are even more full of questions.. It was nice to tell stories today while we waited for the store to close at 8pm.. We asked if we could camp around back and they said that would be fine. So here we are next to the only building in Separ next to I-10 and loud train tracks trying to get some sleep. We will ride our remaining 70 miles to Antelope Wells tomorrow.. This will be our final ride of the Great Divide Mountain Bike route.. When we cross the boarder we will have peddled our bikes 2,750 miles! 47 days of riding and 4 days off.. 51 days total.. Here are my few pics of today.

8/27/2013 11:12:44 am

Wow, congratulations, you made it..Want to do it again?


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