This is my bike and all my gear that I will be taking on my ride. I love this bike!
Timothy West
6/3/2013 06:10:02 pm

This is the beginning of my great journey to ride the great divide. I plan to peddle 2700 miles starting from Banff, Canada to antelope wells, Mexico. This will be the furthest I have ever ride my bike. This will be a true test to my dedication to stay focused on the task of riding my miles each day to making sure I eat the calories needed to keep my body going. I hope I find nice weather along the way and if it does get bad I only can hope it won't last long.

I am writing this just as a test to see if I can post from my iPhone to this blog I have set up. If you find this blog of my journey be sure to follow along as I will be updating this as I go along my bike tour of the great divide.. I will be starting out on July 7 from Banff. Stay tuned more to come!

8/4/2013 06:03:12 am

We are Barb and Larry, your buddies from Alaeloa (we occasionally visit the Arledge's unit). You let us watch the DVD "Ride the Divide". It was terrific.
We are very excited that you arrived in Banff and started off to fulfill your mission!
How is it going? Is there any special URL to look at to get the news?
Best wishes, and best of luck,
Larry Hauser

CW and Elizabeth West
6/4/2013 01:21:05 pm

We are so excited to follow your adventure!! Best of luck!!

6/12/2013 07:03:53 am

Thank you so much..

6/4/2013 11:20:18 pm

Looking forward to watching your progress. Keep the wind at your back Cuz.

6/12/2013 07:05:19 am

Hey Cuz.... thanks again for the picture of the Bear chasing me on my bike.. that was super funny!

Janine Lowery (Cuz)
6/5/2013 01:49:26 am

How exciting!!!! We'll be watching you on your journey!

6/12/2013 07:07:07 am

Thanks, Can you make sure your mom can see me too.. I have spot tracker figured out and yes they did add me to great divide.. I will email you the link to follow also.

6/5/2013 04:45:37 am

Hmmm......I don't see a fishing pole. LOL Of course I'll get your other mother over here to see your pictures. Very cool. Be very safe and I'll see you before you go. Love you too!

6/12/2013 07:08:08 am

Thank You.. and tell Tony thanks for the pack rod.

Cody (Big Brother)
6/7/2013 10:42:32 am

Looks like you all just about set to go. :)

6/12/2013 07:09:02 am

Just about only 15 days until I leave.. Your helmet is working great thank you so much!

Judy Brrocl
6/30/2013 06:28:34 am

we are on your blog now. So nice to be in touch. How are you doing?

Judy Barrick
6/30/2013 06:30:20 am

Misssing you!

6/30/2013 02:47:28 pm

Hi bob and Judy so nice to hear from you guys.. I am so glad you found my blog. See my other posts..

7/2/2013 01:55:08 pm

searching for your posts.

7/2/2013 01:57:34 pm

searching for your posts. Are your posts on email?

Timothy West
8/19/2013 03:43:47 pm

Hi Larry, sorry not to reply sooner.. It's been tough just to keep up with my blog. The ride so far had been amazing so far. Only 400 miles to go!


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