So today was a busy day... This morning I biked the river valley. It's a beautiful network of biking trails along the north Saskatchewan river which is located right next to where I am staying in Edmonton with Ross & Linda McBain. The pictures below are from my ride today. These trails run on forever and ever. I rode 35 miles and there was still more to ride.

I was invited to go visit Max Ward at his wood shop. This is the guy that owned Ward Air. He is 91 years old and still going strong. This was a special treat to see all his work and talk with him in person. He was telling me back in the 60's he flew planes to hawaii and they served Lunch or dinner to passangers on china plates and real silverware. I flew Westjet to Edmonton and I got a free cookie and hot tea.. Wow times have changed..

Brian & Brenda Trendel invited us to come over for a BBQ dinner. We had a great dinner and visited for a few hours.

I also got to moutain equipment coop today and got my denatured alcohol for my stove, bear spray and holster, and a new pair of bike gloves because I seemed to have forget mine back on Maui?

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