This was my bike tour to Hana a few weeks ago. Napili to Kipahulu which is about 10 miles past Hana town.. I did 90 miles in about 9 hours. It was a nice day a bit windy but once past Naiku the wind was much lighter and not blowing me off my bike. Day 2 we rode around the back side towards ulapalakula but my friend Val had a mechanical break down about 15 miles into our second day.. So we hitched a ride to Kula.. Oh we'll next time! Riding out to Hana was beautiful and I so want to go again soon. Thanks again Val for joining me it was a blast!
Dana VanVoorhees
6/5/2013 02:01:30 pm

Amazing ride Tim! You know when you post a description of a ride like that we mainlanders just have more of a chip on our shoulder toward you beach people. I love your blog and your bike is awesome! It will definitely be a good set-up for the Divide!

6/12/2013 07:10:21 am

See you soon on the Divide.. Keep an eye out and see where I am.. Keep in touch!


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