Well all my gear and bike arrived with me in one piece. The bike box took on a few dents but nothing damaged on the inside. Special thanks to my buddy Mike for helping me pack the bike. My bike went back together great and my first ride yesterday although short was good. The bike is running great! I rode about 15 miles late yesterday morning into the downtown area of Edmonton. What a nice city it is and the so clean. I also found there baseball field where the Edmonton prospects play. What a beautiful baseball park. I ran into a couple walking so they told me of a trail along the river valley that goes about 18 clicks each way from where I am staying. So today I will ride the river valley! So far I am having a blast and the weather could not be better.. Feels like hawaii just more humid.

6/30/2013 02:19:25 am

Nice to hear from you looks like you are having a good time starting your trip. Edmonton looks nice. Any issues with customs? You know if I tried to bring a bike into Canada customs would still have me sitting in a room wondering what and why I'm bringing something into Canada this time! :)
So when do you meet up with the other Ride the Divider's?
Have fun, be careful and smart!

6/30/2013 03:09:55 pm

Hey Bro, no problem with customs they just took just about every thing out of my bike box twice but allowed me to pack it back up and tape the bike box the way I wanted. Overall not as bad as I thought it be and the bike was fine when it arrived. I leave for Banff on July 3rd and will be staying one night in Jasper then to Banff on the 4th. I meet up with the other riders that night. I will be staying in Banff for 3 days then the ride will begin on July 7th.

6/30/2013 02:28:01 am

Good kiiinnnee my da kine!!!!!!

6/30/2013 02:50:09 pm

Hey Val, thanks! Having a blast!

Roy and Dorothy
6/30/2013 03:49:55 am

Sounds great. We are watching. Things good here.

6/30/2013 02:55:26 pm

Hey Roy & Dorothy, good to hear from you both.. I hope your getting settled in good to your new home.

6/30/2013 05:13:13 am

Hey Tim, how exciting to be there in the verge of your adventure. I'm out hiking the single track where I crashed 3 weeks ago. Ribs are healing and anxious to get back on the Lefty. Good riding!!!!!

6/30/2013 02:58:01 pm

Hi Linda, glad to hear your back on your bike and your healing up ok.


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