Well the days are mounting and I still am making changes to my bike.. Just when I think I am ready I decide to make a change. Well no more panniers and back to my ultralight rear bags. I was able to cut out 4 1/2 pounds that is huge. So for those who are wondering just how much weight are you carrying? Well with this setup 60.3 pounds bike and equipment.

This is it ...I think??

Andrea Marchese
6/17/2013 11:30:00 am

Hi there! This is Andrea from Grand Junction, Dana's friend. What type of pack do you have on the back? I have the seat pack but the other pack above the wheel looks like a sleeping bag pack? Is it water proof? You will be happier with the seat pack when you are pushing your bike. :)

Good luck!

6/17/2013 11:36:56 am

Hi Andrea, Yes I agree the rear bag is my sleeping bag and its a sea to summit stuff sack waterproof so they say??? I hope so because I don't want to be sleeping in a wet bag.

Janine Lowery
6/19/2013 08:24:54 am

Hi Tim! I'm just checking in.... Nice pictures of Maui! Wow. I've got my co-workers all jazzed - we'll all be watching your adventure.

Dana M. VanVoorhees
6/22/2013 01:46:09 am

Well done Tim! 60.3 lbs. is light! I am so excited for you and will be following your adventure via this blog. Don't forget to blog! See you soon! Bike on!


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