Leaving on Thursday night on the red eye out of Maui and on my way to Edmonton. Went on my second to last ride this morning with my bud Mike. It was a beautiful Maui day for a bike ride.

Dana M. VanVoorhees
6/24/2013 08:35:58 pm

That's great Tim! You are going to have an amazing adventure! And I am looking forward to joining you! Have you heard if Banff is experiencing heavy rains like other parts of Alberta? Good thing you're heading South. Do you have travel plans for the finish of your trip? I could ask my brother to pick you up at Antelope Wells and get you back to the airport in Phoenix. Let me know if you need assistance in this area. And don't hesitate to call or email if you need anything along your ride, such as a gear item, etc...mailed to a post office along the trail.

6/27/2013 12:21:21 pm

Thanks Dana but my dad and his girlfriend are picking me up at the boarder.. I have already sent a box to Jamie Hart in Steamboat Springs, CO. I am going to be glad to have that box when I arrive into Steamboat. Hope to see you on the trail. Yes the floods in and around Banff are going to make for an interesting start.. Looks like my adventure is going start right out of the gate!

Mom 2
6/27/2013 09:08:37 am

Today is the day. I looked at all the pictures of the bike and can't see the fishing pole. Must be hidden. That's a god picture of you and Mike. Have a BLAST and be safe. We'll be watching you every day. Love you:)

6/27/2013 12:13:29 pm

Hi mom 2 don't worry I got the fishing rod all ready packed and you will see it on my bike when I get to Canada and set up my bike again.. :) thx again! Love you

6/27/2013 09:55:11 am

Well today is the day! Have a great time and leave us plenty of posts. :)

6/27/2013 12:23:01 pm

Hey bro.. Yep this it... Mexico or bust! Going to be a blast! Lots of posts coming your way


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